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Relationships and Sex added to “What is EcoGay?”

Relationships and Sex

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In the section “What is EcoGay” we describe how our community is set up. In a number of short and easy to read articles we explain the main basics of our goals, rules and some other backgrounds. We have now added a page on relationships and sex at EcoGay.

All Articles in What is Ecogay

for a quick overview

Core Values at EcoGay

To have a successful community it needs a strong foundation in shared values. These values need to be clear and easy to understand, so everyone can properly agree to them. We believe our current society makes all the wrong choices...
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EcoGay Rules

We really have only one rule, which we borrowed from Paul Wheaton who runs the permies.com forum: Be Nice! We don’t accept dominance of one human over another. Being a leader has nothing to do with applying force, but instead...
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Informed Consent

The term ‘informed consent’ is used in a governing model called sociocracy. It means that anyone who has any plan or idea and wants to work on it inside an organization he informs all others as good as he can,...
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EcoGay As Organization

In the article informed consent we looked at decision making, here we’ll look a bit beyond that. People make mistakes, not because they want to, but because things can be difficult. In traditional societies the elder people played a big...
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EcoGay is Multi Generational

At EcoGay there is a place for everyone, young, middle-aged, old. We all have our function and we all bring options and possibilities to the project. Older men carry a lifetime of wisdom with them. Younger people have a tremendous...
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Relationships And Sex

When you have a group of people relationships of all kinds emerge, because that is in our human nature. If the group is formed out of only gay men, with a shared interest in working in nature, focussed on building...
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It Takes A Village

We have always realized that an ecological sustainable way of life needs more than just a few people. The more people you have, the more needs you can meet inside the community. With too few people you need to bring...
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