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At EcoGay

Breaking Point

What’s yours? When do you decide it’s been enough, enough destruction, enough delay, enough denial, you know, that moment when you start to act?

Generally I don’t write to convince anyone of anything, because I don’t think I can. Maybe I can give a push sometimes to someone who’s on the brink already. Mostly I just write to give information, to broaden one or two people’s views, maybe some more sometimes.

When we started this EcoGay website about a month ago, we did expect results, but only on the longer term, maybe a year from now. Most gay friends we had in the past fall squarely in the category ‘plastic’. The mindless consumers we see all around us. The people who squirm at the idea of an insect landing in their hair… The horror!

We’re pleasantly surprised about the amount of visitors we received on this site, after only minimal promotions. After just one month we received 192 visitors, in 307 sessions. Of these 43% read more than one page per session. It seems that a thing like EcoGay is indeed something that’s needed and wanted.

Through Facebook and email we were in touch with over 10 guys. Some of them have their own projects, either planned or already started. Others were looking at making changes to their life, because they felt a pressing urge to do something.

We feel the time to change is now. Just these past weeks we’ve seen our worldwide weather go to extremes again. In 2015/2016 we had our own experience with 16 months of drought caused by the strongest El Niño on record. How bad does it need to get before we all take action to bring nature back at the center of our lives? What is your breaking point to snap into action?

Recommended articles on the EcoGay website:
Why Permaculture?
Technology cannot save civilization
Trees, water and climate
Powers of observation

And more to come in the next months…

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