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ecological gay community

Welcome To EcoGay

ecological gay community

Welcome To EcoGay

Water Management

ecological gay community

Welcome To EcoGay

Pig Breeding

ecological gay community

Welcome To EcoGay

Stunning Butterflies

ecological gay community

Welcome To EcoGay

Great Views

ecological gay community

Welcome To EcoGay

Exciting Wildlife

ecological gay community

Welcome To EcoGay


ecological gay community

Welcome To EcoGay

Colorful Birds

What's new?

EcoGay project updates
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Green Rain Foundation

Fundación Lluvia Verde

Fundación Lluvia Verde (Green Rain Foundation) is the non-profit entity behind the EcoGay Campgrounds in La Mesa, Colombia. The content on this website was published on EcoGay.org before and will be adapted to our current circumstances over the next months.

You can visit the EcoGay Camping page by clicking the button or you can scroll down and continue browsing the Green-Rain website right here. 

The Green-Rain website is a background information source on the story behind EcoGay. Some information on this website may be outdated or no longer accurate. Please check back later for an updated version.

Visit the EcoGay Campgrounds website instead

Latest pictures

of our farm

We’re building

The existing house of our farm is located on probably...
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Big Earthworks

Over the past year (2018/2019) we made some huge changes...
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So Many Birds

There are at least 30 species of birds that call...
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We keep pigs on the farm for a bunch of...
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New in Permaculture

What we do, what we achieved, what's behind it all

Failure or opportunity?

About a year ago we started talking about failure. What if this project is just too complicated for us? What if we cannot secure enough funding to do all the...
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Landslides and Water Management

We had quite a wet rainy season earlier this year and then we were hit by a severe rainstorm in May. At sunrise we wanted to look around a bit,...
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Trees, Water and Climate

For many years we’ve been hearing about how rising CO2 levels are causing our climate to change. We’ve always wondered why other factors influencing our climate are hardly being discussed....
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We’re pretty sure most people would have difficulty recognizing our land as a farm. There are no neatly kept beds filled with straight rows of vegetables. Instead our land is...
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Latest Green Philosophy

What we think of the world and society

What the f@ck is wrong with us?

For a society to function, we people tell each other and ourselves stories. News stories, background stories, gossip, explanations, excuses, traditions, etc. Our relationships are based on narratives which identify the Good Guys and the Bad Guys. Our behavioral patterns...
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Energy In Nature

Nature works through many beings (biodiversity) and many connections between them (ecosystems). One species waste is another species food. One species existence is another species survival. The egg we eat, came from the chicken eating insects and plants. The insect,...
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Technology Cannot Save Civilization

If you are aware of the predicaments we face you think about sustainability. We’ve come to realize that we only have one earth and not the four earths needed to sustain the western lifestyle. Most people expect technology to solve...
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Yesterday I was invited to send in a short video in which I could explain my deepest motivation for our work here. I had to think about that for a minute. We have a lot of different motives for our...
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