The EcoGay Team

Live in a beautiful natural place with a nice climate

We're looking for residents

gay men only

A Permaculture farm is very different from a ‘conventional’ farm. We are building self-reliance. That creates a multitude of little jobs and part-time specializations. We’re talking about food (fruit vegetables, meat), fiber (for clothing, baskets, etc) and building materials (wood, bamboo). We’re also talking about processing these outputs, for example making chocolate out of our cacao beans. On top of that services are needed, like cooking, cleaning, etc. Buildings need to be constructed (cabins, corrals and stables) fencing and water control features needs to be maintained. As you see, any type of person can find a home at EcoGay!
We’re looking for permanent EcoGay residents who love to have a life outdoors, between plants, trees and animals. You can become a resident by invitation only. To be considered, become a ‘Friend of EcoGay‘ first so we can keep you informed on our progress. Next sign up for our internship program. We will welcome you for one month to work with us, experience how things are here, learn about Permaculture and simply just have a nice adventure in a friendly and natural place. Please check the EcoGay Internship page for details.
Another way to become an EcoGay resident is to help us invest capital in building this community. If you have an option to join us like that, please check out our section on EcoGay investments. Retirees with a bit to invest who like to live outside cities in a nice climate can make that dream come true here. Please also read our page EcoGay is multi generational.
If being a permanent resident is not what you want, but you do like to come and visit, we offer both EcoGay Holidays and the EcoGay Internship to anybody who is interested in our work. Farm tours are also available. You can sign up as Friend of EcoGay here. We hope to meet you soon.

You are donating to : EcoGay Community

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$10 $20 $30
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