
EcoGay community

It Takes A Village

We have always realized that an ecological sustainable way of life needs more than just a few people. The more people you...
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Relationships And Sex

When you have a group of people relationships of all kinds emerge, because that is in our human nature. If the group...
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EcoGay is Multi Generational

At EcoGay there is a place for everyone, young, middle-aged, old. We all have our function and we all bring options and...
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EcoGay As Organization

In the article informed consent we looked at decision making, here we’ll look a bit beyond that. People make mistakes, not because...
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Informed Consent

The term ‘informed consent’ is used in a governing model called sociocracy. It means that anyone who has any plan or idea...
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EcoGay Rules

We really have only one rule, which we borrowed from Paul Wheaton who runs the forum: Be Nice! We don’t accept...
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Core Values at EcoGay

To have a successful community it needs a strong foundation in shared values. These values need to be clear and easy to...
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