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At EcoGay

Work on EcoGay campgrounds started

We planned the earthworks for the camping to start around 2020. Just before we could get started things got complicated by a sudden panic about a virus. Then also the weather phenomenon La Niña started and lasted for 3 years. La Niña brings a lot of rain to our region and it was impossible to get any work done.

The plan for the camping.

Only in the past weeks we finally had a real warm summer… and we were lucky we could get an excavator to come our way.

The backhoe flattening a field.

The camping area will have 3 fields, with space for a maximum of 20 tents in total.

Field 1 with the road going around it.

We widened the entrance road and installed a parking lot (straight ahead after the trees)

Entrance road, with parking in the back and field 2 at the right.
The parking lot. We will keep all cars outside of the camping areas.

From the parking the road goes around Field 2, with future Field 3 on the left of the road (not visible).

The road circling around Field 2.

Finally we connected field 1 and 2 with the area for the restrooms/showers and the shop/bar.

The road between Field 1 and Field 2, with space for toilets and a little shop / bar.

So after 3 years of us waiting for the rains to stop so we could create the fields, now we need it to rain again for the grass and the trees to cover the camping area… With an El Niño next that could take a while… The irony!

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