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At EcoGay

Happy New Year!

A small update and some pictures, but first of all happy 2018 to all friends of EcoGay! We received 5 applications for internships so far and we hope for more new friendships this year. At least it’s clear that a growing amount of people manage to find us and take an interest in living with nature. Not all gay men are plastic city dolls after all…

We built a new pigpen with bamboo, which is never straight, so that makes the roof look like a wave.

Two gilts delivered their piglets.

We also setup the EcoGay Fund. It’s focussed mainly on crypto currencies, because they bring a lot of new potential to mankind. People who studied how they work will already know. It’s not just another experimental way of payments, it also puts people and not big banks and corporations in control. We put the first 2.03 litecoin (LTC) in this fund, which we earned while mining some LTC before we moved to the farm. We already traded it up to 2.25 LTC making careful use of the high volatility in crypto markets. Although it’s worth a bit over 500 usd at current prices, it’s still not sufficient to help EcoGay move forward. Maybe some guys who made huge profits in crypto in 2017 would like to send us a bit to help EcoGay grow to its potential?

Some pictures of our tree decorations over Christmas: a big lizard…

A small snake, we don’t see them in trees often, so that was a special moment…

And of course birds, some really beautiful ones:

Wasps building a new nest. Amazing how these small insects can together build such a perfect structure!

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